Hello beautiful ladies, I’m Nastasia and I’m twenty-Two years of age. I’m an African-American women who comes from a Jamaican descendant background. I'm a Compassionate, intelligent and God fearing woman. Though both parents are African descendant from Jamaica, it gives me the ability to see and live at a cultural difference. At ten years old i was emerged into the Jamaican culture which shaped me into a discipline and strong individual. It was a different atmosphere and schooling process. as a result I learned academically and culturally. I was able to coexist with different black people from outside of the U.S.
Being African-American I tried so many techniques to get my hair to remain manageable, long and have lots of body. Many of us women of color go to the hair salon for “wash-n-set”. If your hair is natural, they either recommend a perm or tell you it’s more money for customers with natural hair. As a teenager, I used to purchase curl texturizer so that it can remain manageable and “slickback” for my leave out installs. Not only I wore weave but also added tracks in between my hair after applying the curl texturizer so that it can remain manageable and natural looking. The texturizer lasted as long as a perm but damaged my natural hair pattern. This only reverts to me cutting of all dead ends and doing full head sew in. I always wear hair extensions & trying hair products from different companies. Many of my family members, associates and I struggled with not only maintaining our natural hair but also the cost to maintain it.There was only about two hair hair extensions companies that provide me quality product with god service at an affordable price. Being raised by a single parent which many of us people color face, only led me to become an independent minded minded individual with entrepreneurial spirit. This caused me to look at my problems I’m having with my hair as an an business an opportunity. With that said, I decided to start my hair extension company and as a result “Immaculatehairs” was born.
Immaculatehairs is a comprehensive hair treatment provider. That provides customer with quality service, competitive pricing and custom fit to meet customers needs. I’ve made it my duty to get into the hair extension business for that reasoning, to help pay for medical school as we know is very expensive and give back to communities by educating black women on natural hair. Medical school leaves many people into large amounts of debts and that’s something I don't want to face. Madam C.J Walker who was an African-American entrepreneur, invented a line of African-American hair care products. She suffered from a scalp ailment that resulted into hair loss. Walker, left a great great impact on us African-American & I’d love to leave such a great impact on my people as well. One of my greatest, aspirations, as a future doctor to a treatment that helps women of color maintain their natural hair.